
Editing SOA Projects with vim.

Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is a way of decoupling your system architecture. It can present a series of technical challenges to the developer or technical team overall.

As a developer working with SOA, I often find myself working in several different project folders in several different languages at the same time, this can present a series of technical challenges in itself. Continually context switching and changing screens ( or having many tabs open for each project ) can become a balancing act.

With Vim

Below I have outlined a series of steps that you can take to set up your environment for this style of development.

First, symlink all your seperate projects into one project folder. For example:

Given I have several project folders, each project is managed as a seperate git repository:

  |- .git/index
  |- backend.rb

  |- .git/index
  |- fast_web_service.cpp

  |- .git/index
  |- frontend.js

  |- .git/index
  |- assets.css

Create a new workspace directory

mkdir  ~/Projects/stack

And symlink all the projects into ~/Projects/stack

ln -s ~/Projects/backend ~/Projects/stack/
ln -s ~/Projects/web_service ~/Projects/stack/
ln -s ~/Projects/frontend ~/Projects/stack/
ln -s ~/Projects/assets ~/Projects/stack/

Now, when you open the stack folder, you can then search using full path globbing.

:grep 'Company' **/*

This will search across all your folders for things.

Then use ctags to index everything into a tags file.

ctags -R --exclude=.git --exclude=log * `echo $GEM_HOME`/gems/*

Now, if you don’t already have it, install the Ctrl-p plugin for vim.

Once this is done, just add this line to your vim config ( ~/.vimrc ):

let g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks = 1

Or ..

let g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks = 2